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Natural Materials are a perfect way for children to discover and learn about the world around us. This collection of natural and wooden loose parts is a fun way to add some autumn to your play. Your set will include:

10 x fabric leaves

1 x Lanka Kade woodland figure

1 x Yellow Door Leaf Tile

1 x uxi

1 x platyspermum cone

2 x pumpkino

2 x Orange slices

2 x Dolly Pegs

3 x 56mm natural wooden rings

3 x TickiT Wooden Treasures Acorn

3 x TickiT Wooden Treasures Jewel

3 x TickiT Wooden Treasures Mushroom

3 x TickiT Wooden Treasures Droplet

You can choose to add a small Guidecraft Treasure Tube to your loose parts bag. These are perfect for displaying or observing small objects and treasures.

Some of the natural loose part items may vary based on availability.

Suitable for age 3 years plus. Please be aware that these are natural items and not a toy. Loose parts are not UKCA tested. All loose parts play should be risk assessed and supervised by a responsible adult.

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Loose Part Bag, Loose Part Bag and Treasure Tube


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